
Is the Amharic language worth translating?

Amharic is an African language that is one of the official languages of Ethiopia. This is the Afro-Asiatic language and is different as compared to Indo-European languages. Amharic is particularly a pitch accent language. There are around 60 million speakers of this language. It is the second most spoken language in Ethiopia and also the second most spoken from the Semitic family of languages after Arabic. The language is written left to right and uses the Ge’ez script. Ethiopia is one of the relatively economically stable African countries. Amharic language also has great importance. With USAID and UNICEF working actively in the country, this land certainly offers great potential to foreign investors. 

Here are a few reasons which tell that the Amharic translation services are surely worth a shot.  

Cultural significance

Amharic language holds great cultural significance, and Amharic translation can enable you to look into the distinct African culture. You get to explore Ethiopian culture, literature, and its evolution. The culture of the Amharic language is diverse and structured. The traditions and customs that African people practice not only give you a reflection of Ethiopia’s culture, but it is a blend of the whole of Africa’s civilization. A few traditions have also amalgamated from northeast Africa, India, Italy, and other countries because of a more frequent interaction with these regions. Ethiopia’s music is also quite diverse. Many musicians from different corners of the world take great interest in it, exploring the subject while overcoming the language barrier with the help of translation. A lot of musicians from Western countries opt for Amharic to English translation to understand the composition of the world’s most ancient music. 

Economic importance

The Amharic language also enjoys prominence due to the steadily growing economy of Ethiopia. Ethiopia has witnessed substantial growth in terms of agriculture, service sectors, and different industries from the year 2003 to 2018. The government of Ethiopia also keeps taking certain initiatives by increasing the number, diversity, and share of private businesses working in the country. USAID has particularly been playing a vital role in commercializing certain sectors of Ethiopia, especially agriculture. They have been committing to create jobs for the local people along with better access to healthy diets. This also leads to better and financially independent masses with improved living standards. These reforms have made Ethiopia improve a lot on the global front tempting more western and other businesses to tap the market with the help of English to Amharic translation

Education and research

Ethiopia has been doing pretty well on the education front too for the past few years. UNICEF is particularly playing a vital role in making learning and development at school levels, and otherwise great. The education system was suffering in the country before UNICEF took charge. However, their efforts have improved the system, and you can certainly invest in the education and research domain with the help of translation. You can not do and achieve much in the country without overcoming the language barrier.

Travel and tourism

Travel and tourism is quite a bright sector in Ethiopia. The country is rich in historic sights, tribes, and has beautiful landscapes. Moreover, it is also important to not fall for the misconceptions. Ethiopia differs from its neighboring countries, Kenya and Tanzania. It offers a variety of attractions. Thus, the country is not merely a safari destination. They have ancient landmarks. If you have a heart for history, Ethiopia is going to be a paradise for you with old landmarks and monuments. The destinations such as Lalibela, Aksum, and Gondar give you a good historical and religious feel. If you have been hearing about one of the lowest lands in Africa since your childhood looking to visit one day, the Danakil Depression is the place. The beauty that Ethiopia offers is different and enchanting. You can surely enjoy all these if you have a good translation partner with you to deal with the language hindrance.

Language preservation 

Many people believe Amharic is a dying language. However, it is the most spoken language of Africa. And the government often takes initiatives to promote all the other local languages too. One aspect that experts find alarming is that language is written in an old syllabic alphabet, which is protected by certain groups of people. This can create a problem in the future. Changing the writing font of an old language is also not a solution. However, a lot of Ethiopians also prefer to switch to English, especially on the Internet and in their written communication, to avoid complications. So language preservation is another reason that makes it worth translating.

Literary contributions 

Professional Amharic translation services are also crucial for literary contributions of the language from the African region. The translation of Amharic literature, media, and cultural content fosters global understanding and appreciation for Ethiopian culture. However, the experts claim that this literature is already the translation of Christian religious writings from the Greek language. The most productive and active era of the Ethiopian language is believed to be from 1270 AD onwards. Interestingly, this was also characterized by the translation. Unlike earlier, this translation came from the Arabic language. Most of the literary content has a religious touch. Kebra Negast’s ‘Glory of the Kings’ is said to be the most interesting book of the 14th century. Many historians and researchers have opted for the translation of this book into different languages. 


Amharic is an Afro-Asiatic language. The language is the official in Ethiopia. It enjoys great importance and is worth translating because it has great cultural significance. The economic condition of Ethiopia is also improving with better education and research. The travel and tourism sector is one of the brightest sectors in the country. 


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